Bonsai, the living art, is a fantastic hobby dating back hundreds of years.
It comes from China , but it is Japanese art as we know it.
The word 'Bonsai' means 'Tree in Tray', and is the art of shaping trees to represent nature in miniature.
Roger Lunt
Over 30 years ago a friend offered Roger a 'little tree' and invited him to the local Bonsai club. Roger has developed a passion and love for all things 'Bonsai', and has since dedicated his life to the art.
Roger has worked at the largest Bonsai nursery in Brisbane and has previously worked as a nationally registered tutor and demonstrator. He has spent years developing his keen and unique understanding of the needs and Bonsai potential of many plants.
Roger has conducted many workshops in South East Queensland Bonsai Clubs including a demonstration at the 2006 National Convention. He has also worked on a number of private Bonsai collections.
After 12 years operating as 'Defined Garden Bonsai Studio' on the Gold Coast, Roger has now relocated to Brisbane as "The Bonsai Man", and this wonderful journey continues.
Roger's personal quest is to share his passion, ideas, and knowledge of this wonderful art to all who seek to learn.

"The Bonsai Man" can style your Bonsai to help it grow to its full potential.
"The Bonsai Man" also offers Japanese Landscape designs and plans.
Roger can also come to you, and work on your private collection, or give styling advice in the comfort of your own home.
$40-60 p/h
To see some styling work click here.

Going on holiday?
Drop your Bonsai off to Roger, who will care for your tree at his Brisbane studio while you are away for a small weekly fee.
$7.50 per tree, per week.
*pick up and delivery available for an additional fee

"The Bonsai Man" stocks all your Bonsai needs. Wire, tools, pots, ornaments are all available for purchase.
"The Bonsai Man" also has trees for sale, from starters to show trees.
Click here to view current items for sale.


6 hours $225
Our most popular workshop, two Bonsai included.
This course is delivered in two three hour sessions, with an hour lunch break.
You will learn the fundamental styling principles of Bonsai , as well as how to wire, prune and pot your two Bonsai trees, which are yours to keep at the end of the course.

Private & Specialised Workshops
Private Workshops
3 hours $180
One on one personal tuition on your collection. These workshops are totally flexible in content and delivery.
Specialised Workshops
3 hours from $50/hr + materials
These workshops are ideal for the experienced Bonsai hobbiest wanting to do that little bit extra.
Bookings are essential for all courses/workshops. A $50 deposit is required. This deposit is non refundable if cancellation is made less than 5 working days before date of course/workshop. Deposit may be transferred to another course/workshop date.
Service Second to None
Basic Bonsai Course
Generally offered every Saturday of each month, excluding all Saturdays in July,
the last two Saturdays of December and the first two Saturdays in January.
** $50.00 Deposit required with all bookings
** For other workshops please contact us for availability.